
Visiting a new place can be overwhelming, especially when you want to experience the local culture and hidden gems. It can be difficult to know where to start and which recommendations to trust. My goal was to create a website that would provide visitors to Mallorca with trusted and authentic tips from locals that would help them make the most of their trip.


How can I create a website that is user-friendly, informative, and visually appealing while also delivering valuable and trustworthy tips from locals?


To address the problem of tourists struggling to find authentic and reliable local tips for their visit to Mallorca, I developed a website called ILLA.

I organised the website into four main categories: About, Areas, Explore the Map, and Search. The Areas dropdown menu allows visitors to easily navigate to their desired region of Mallorca and find specific local tips. The Explore the Map feature takes visitors to a Google Maps list of tips specific to the region they are visiting. Each tip includes a link to its location and a small description. I also included a subscribe form on the homepage for visitors to receive updates on new tips.

Target Audience:

The target audience is anyone planning a trip to Mallorca who wants to experience the local culture and get insider tips from locals.

In the initial stages of this project, I conducted extensive research and ideation to ensure that the website design met the needs of our target audience. I conducted user interviews to understand the pain points and preferences when it comes to planning a trip to Mallorca. I also analysed the existing websites in the travel industry to identify areas of improvement and opportunities for differentiation.

Based on this research, I ideated various concepts and designs for the website, iterating on wireframes and user flows to ensure a smooth and intuitive user experience. I conducted user testing and feedback sessions throughout the design process to validate my ideas.



explore the map





Palma de Mallorca

Pla de Mallorca

Serra de Tramontana


The website features a clean black and white aesthetic, allowing the stunning visuals of Mallorca to take center stage.

Hidden doorway

With this website, you can now uncover the local secrets and experience the true essence of Mallorca. From the secluded beaches to the authentic restaurants, our local tips will guide you on a journey you won't forget.

So pack your bags and get ready to unlock the hidden treasures of this magical island.

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